Akemi Homura(Anime Character) Drawing using Python Turtle Programming | Simple Python Turtle Graphics | Vast Coding
Akemi Homura(Anime Character) Drawing using Python Turtle Programming | Simple Python Turtle Graphics | Vast Coding Here is the Source Code:- Wait at least 30seconds after running this code,it will draw anime character after 30seconds automatically. import turtle as te import time WriteStep = 15 # Sampling times of Bessel function Speed = 5 Width = 600 # Interface width Height = 500 # Interface height Xh = 0 # Record the handle of the previous Bessel function Yh = 0 def Bezier(p1, p2, t): # First order Bessel function return p1 * (1 - t) + p2 * t def Bezier_2(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): # Second-order Bessel function te.goto(x1, y1) te.pendown() for t in range(0, WriteStep + 1): x = Bezier(Bezier(x1, x2, t / WriteStep), Bezier(x2, x3, t / WriteStep), t / WriteStep) y = Bezier(Bezier(y1, y2, t / Writ...